
The information below is now deprecated; current and recent releases of UVLayout are bundled with all the required shared libraries, and they're used by default, overriding what you might have installed on the system already.

If however you are trying to install an older release of UVLayout, and encounter errors caused by incompatible or missing shared libraries, then you can find copies of the required libraries below.

Linux versions of the headus tools use OpenMotif for their GUI interfaces. The version of OpenMotif that's on your system is used by default, but if this is missing or incompatible, the required OpenMotif shared libs are included in the headus installation.

Each user can turn on the supplied shared libs by adding the following line to their login scripts: add these lines to ~/.login for csh/tcsh shell users ...

... and these lines to ~/.bashrc for bash shell users ...

On some Linux distributions a couple of other shared libraries might also be missing by default (i.e. and You can find copies of these in the TGZ file below.

File   Description   Last Modified   Size (bytes)   
headus-missing-libs.64.tgz64bit shared libraries 2019-02-05 11:44668,273
headus-missing-libs.32.tgz32bit shared libraries 2014-08-26 18:34397,315
md5sum.txtFile Checksums 2019-03-08 17:06122

Note: To grab a binary file, first move the mouse pointer over the link, click the right mouse button, then select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...".

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